The week's biggest news stories in SA

Acumen Media has listed the week's biggest news stories in South Africa. The week has been plagued by the devastating news of school children losing their lives.

South Africans are still trying to wrap their heads, and have expressed outrage, around the death of Enoch Mpianzi - a grade eight pupil at Parktown Boys High School - who died during an orientation camp at the Nyati Lodge.

In Diepsloot, a young schoolgirl was hit and killed by a bus during civil unrest related to xenophobia in the area.

Elsewhere in the country, a truck delivering food to the Lekgolo Primary School in Limpopo ploughed into a school wall that collapsed onto pupils, killing them in the process.

And, in Durban, a teacher was shot and critically injured at the Buhlebethu Primary School in the Inanda township in Durban.

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